More than 68 per cent of the total 8,07,939 lakh students who appeared had passed in the SSLC Examination conducted in April 2010, Karnataka Minister for Secondary Education Vishveshwara Hegde Kageri said today.
Announcing the results, he said Chikodi in Belgaum District topped with 79.92 per cent pass while Bidar was the lowest with 32.27 per cent pass. Bangalore Rural and Mandya occupied the second and third places with the pass per centage being 79.21 per cent and 79.12 per cent, respectively.
He said more than 86 schools recorded zero per centage, including two government schools. ''A detailed study would be undertaken to findout the reason for zero result and efforts would be made to encourage students,'' he added.
Mr Kageri said students securing the first three places in each of the 34 districts would be presented Computers on behalf of the government. When his attention was drwan to the lowest per centage, compared to last three year's percentage, he said that one of the reasons could be multiple choice questions introduced for the first time.
However, a detailed analysis would be undertaken by the department. He said three candidates secured the highest 619 out of the total 625 marks.
There's been a rise and dip in the pass percentage in the previous years. In 2007, it was 73.21%; in 2008, it fell to 66.37% and in 2009, it crossed the 70% mark with 70.22%. The students taking the exam this year were under pressure owing to the new exam pattern. Till 2009, students could score 60% marks in multiple choice questions, an easy scoring option versus the new pattern, which reserved 75% marks for descriptive answers.
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